The Fender Play content is structured as follows: My Path > Level > Course > Lesson.
Click here for Main Menu navigation from a computer.
Click here for Main Menu navigation from a tablet.
From a computer:
When you first sign in, you'll land on the Home screen. You'll see newly published and featured content promoted on this page. Click the main menu dropdown to navigate to My Path and other features.
My Path
The My Path screen is the home-base for Fender Play users. This is where the main navigation through Fender Play occurs and where students access their courses.
Return to My Path from a Course by clicking the My Path button or a selecting a level from the Main Menu.
From a Lesson, click the home icon to expand the Main Menu. Then select your Level.
You can also return to My Path from any page by clicking the Fender Play logo from the upper left of the screen.
Click here to read more about My Path.
Click here to learn how to switch Paths.
Each Path contains 5 Levels. The challenge increases as players progress through higher levels. Choose your Level by clicking on the arrow next to the level indicator on the My Path screen or from the Main Menu.
How do I know what has been completed in each Level?
As you complete Courses, the Level progress bar will begin to fill in, giving an approximate sense of how many courses in a level have been completed so far.
The Course with your last watched Lesson will have a Last Watched label.
Once a Course is completed, it will turn green and have a Completed! label.
In addition to song lessons on each learning path, we have a song library for additional off-path learning. Click Songs from the Main Menu and choose your instrument to view the library.
Click here to read more about Songs.
Collections are sets of Courses based on a skill, technique, or style. They are curated by the Fender Play team and give you another way to find new things to learn or to dive deep into specific interests.
In addition to skill lessons on each learning path, we have a skill library for additional off-path learning. Click Skills from the Main Menu and choose your instrument to view the library.
Click here to read more about Skills.
View all your Favorites by clicking Favorites from the main menu.
Click here to read more about Favorites.
The Articles section can be accessed from the Articles link on the Main Menu. Articles expand on topics covered in the videos, from practice tips and techniques to theory and skills.
What's New
The What's New screen is where we announce new features or product enhancements.
Click Support from the Main Menu for Fender Play FAQs.
Click Toolkit from the Main Menu to access Fender's online tuner.
From a tablet:
When you first sign in, you'll land on the Home screen. You'll see newly published and featured content promoted on this page. Click the main menu dropdown to navigate to My Path and other features.
My Path
The My Path screen is the home-base for Fender Play users. This is where the main navigation through Fender Play occurs and where students access their courses.
To return to My Path from any screen, tap the hamburger icon located in the top left of the screen, then tap the Level you are on.
Click here to read more about My Path.
Click here to learn how to switch Paths.
Each Path contains 5 Levels. The challenge increases as players progress through higher levels. Choose your level by tapping on the arrow next to the level indicator on the My Path screen or from the Main Menu.
How do I know what has been completed in each Level?
As you complete courses, the level progress bar will begin to fill in, giving an approximate sense of how many courses in a level have been completed so far.
The Course with your last watched Lesson will have a Last Watched label.
Once a Course is completed, it will turn green and have a Completed! label.
In addition to song lessons on each learning path, we have a song library for additional off-path learning. Tap Songs from the Main Menu and choose your instrument to view the library.
Click here to read more about Songs.
Collections are sets of Courses based on a skill, technique, or style. They are curated by the Fender Play team and give you another way to find new things to learn or to dive deep into specific interests.
In addition to skill lessons on each learning path, we have a skill library for additional off-path learning. Tap Skills from the Main Menu and choose your instrument to view the library.
Click here to read more about Skills.
View all your Favorites by clicking Favorites from the main menu.
Click here to read more about Favorites.
The Articles section can be accessed from the Articles link on the Main Menu. Articles expand on topics covered in the videos, from practice tips and techniques to theory and skills.
What's New
The What's New screen is where we announce new features or product enhancements.
Click Support from the Main Menu for Fender Play FAQs.
Click Toolkit from the Main Menu to access Fender's online tuner.