Skills are the essential building blocks for learning to play. All of our skills are targeted, short lessons, most of which are between 2 to 8 minutes in length.
Guitar: Fender Play includes approximately 750 skills across all 5 paths and a total of 1,345 on the platform.
Bass: Fender Play includes approximately 180 skills on the path and a total of 234 on the platform.
Ukulele: Fender Play includes approximately 190 skills on the path and a total of 281 on the platform.
Click here for a list of the essential techniques on Fender Play. This list includes courses, lessons & exercises that are available for all three instruments (Guitar, Bass, Ukulele). To help emphasize practicing skills in a real-world context, we’ve also included songs & riffs that feature each technique.
Skills are primarily delivered via My Path, but all of the skill lessons available on Fender Play can be viewed in a central location on the site. The easiest way to see all of the skills that Fender Play offers is through the Skills section, linked from the main menu on the left side of the screen.
Skills are grouped by the following categories:
Basics: Lessons covering general basic information, such as finger placement, first-time chords, getting set up, tuning, and reading chord diagrams.
Chords: Over 375 chord videos are available in a quick-reference format to demonstrate how to play each chord used in the songs we have in our collection.
Exercises: 2-5 minutes exercises that drill techniques and concepts learned in previous lessons.
Glossary: Short 20-second videos with essential definitions of guitar, bass and ukulele concepts.
Techniques: Various techniques such as Alternate Picking, Hammer-ons and String Muting.
Theory: Includes concepts such as reading rhythm, playing your first scales and time signatures.
Tone: A description of common effects, how to create them, and common songs using that tone. Guitar only.
Each skill lesson features supplemental materials, which are linked in the upper right corner of each video player. There you can find links to the chords, glossary definitions, and other materials referred to in each lesson.